Find your local store's available hours here
To find your store’s local hours of availability, please click the find stores button below. Please note, curbside pickup is currently available in select locations until further notice.
*For detailed list of all our store hours, visit our store locator
Here is what to expect when visiting "R" store.

Store Entry
- If your location has two entrances, the Toys"R"Us entrance will be used for store entry and Babies"R"Us entrance will be restricted to Curbside Pick Ups only.
- Our store associates will be equipped with gloves and masks at all times.

Your Shopping Experience
- Advanced cleaning measures are in place across all areas of our stores.
- Customers are required to practice safe social distancing at all times. To keep you safe, stores will follow their individual Provincial guidelines for the number of people permitted in the store at one time.
- For your safety and convenience, stores will be marked with wayfinding and visual cues all around the store helping to visually guide you through a safe shopping experience. For the safety and health of all our customers and staff, we’d kindly ask that you adhere to these visual guidelines.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at checkout for our customer’s convenience and safety

- When waiting to check out, please ensure you are standing 6 feet apart from the person in front of you.
- Our team will ensure the checkout area is clean at all times. The register area will be thoroughly sanitized between each customer.
- Reusable bags are not permitted at this time.
- We encourage the use of debit/credit cards during all transactions to ensure a safer and healthier transaction environment for our customers and staff. Please note that after each and every transaction, our cashiers have been trained to disinfect and sanitize the pinpad to prevent the chance of infection for the next customer in-line.