Contours Britax Infant Car Seat Adapter fits Britax B-Safe 35 Infant Car Seat, Quick & Secure attachment method

Compatible with the following Contours single & double strollers: Bliss, Options Elite, Options LT, Options

Infant Car seat not included.

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Additional Information

  • SKN: 779291
  • ID: 20B28D6B
  • UPC: 31878044476
  • MFR Number: ZY009B3
  • Ship to Quebec: Yes
  • In Store Only: No
  • Toysrus Recommended Age: 0 months
  • Language: Bilingual


  • Item Height: 4.35 inches
  • Item Length: 6.37 inches
  • Item Weight: 3.99 lbs
  • Item Width: 6.37 inches

<!--begin-bvseo-reviews--> <!--begin-reviews--> <div id="bvseo-reviewsSection"> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="181932944"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Rico123</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Works great as expected</span> <span itemprop="description">Works as expected. Sturdy and connects my B-Safe 35 Britain&rsquo;s car seat directly to my Contours Options stroller.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2021-06-15</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2021-06-15" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="160566966"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">4</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Emily11</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Britax Adapters</span> <span itemprop="description">These work perfectly. We bought them to put out B Safe 35 Elite car seat on the Contours Options Elite tandem stroller. They snap on easy without issue. I would give 5 stars but I find the price of two small plastic adapters a bit high.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2020-07-31</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2020-07-31" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="130684750"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Contours mom</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Overall good</span> <span itemprop="description">Overall get the job done. Slightly off alignment once attached to contours elite stroller however. It just means I have to pull the adapters a little apart when putting on the car seat. They also dont feel perfectly sturdy on the stroller (but that may just be my stroller and not the adapters). Otherwise everything clicks right in place and works well.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2019-07-21</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2019-07-21" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="99835928"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Mom of Two</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Perfect for what we needed!</span> <span itemprop="description">This does exactly what it says! We bought it so that our Britax B-Safe infant carrier would be compatible with the countries double stroller and it works great! Couldn't be happier with it!</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2017-07-01</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2017-07-01" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="93145456"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">4</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Mamasita</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Easy to use</span> <span itemprop="description">I just bought this so that i could use the new Britax B-Safe 35 Elite car seat on our older LT Options Contours double stroller. It fit well and seemed easy enough to set the car seat into it and remove it. Won't be able to test it out with a baby in it though until baby arrives in the fall.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2017-05-06</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2017-05-06" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="89397258"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">KC</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Perfect fit</span> <span itemprop="description">This adapter works perfectly with our Contours tandem stroller. Easy installation &amp; our Britax car seat clicks in place easily.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2017-03-06</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2017-03-06" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="89397257"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Rob S</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Perfect Product</span> <span itemprop="description">This was a great product that worked perfect with the Contours Options Stroller and Britax Car seat.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2017-03-03</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2017-03-03" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="89397256"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Maria</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Love it!</span> <span itemprop="description">Loved that I was able to get these adapters because I'm able to use the same car seat I already owned and attach it to the new double stroller I purchased.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2017-03-02</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2017-03-02" /> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> if (document.getElementById('bvseo-reviewsSection')) { document.getElementById('bvseo-reviewsSection').style.display = 'none'; } </script> <!--end-reviews--> <!--begin-pagination--> <ul id="bvseo-paginationSection"> <li class="bvseo-paginationItem"><a class="bvseo-paginationLink" href="">Contours Britax Infant Car Seat Adapter Reviews - page 2</a></li> </ul> <!--end-pagination--> <ul id="BVSEO_meta" style="display:none!important"> <li data-bvseo="bvDateModified">y_2025, m_3, d_1, h_9</li> <li data-bvseo="ps">bvseo_bulk, prod_bvrr, vn_bulk_3.0.42</li> <li data-bvseo="cp">cp_1, bvpage1</li> <li data-bvseo="co">co_hasreviews, tv_5, tr_11</li> <li data-bvseo="cf">loc_en_CA, sid_20B28D6B, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]</li> <li data-bvseo="diagnostics">clientName_toysrus-ca</li> </ul> <!--end-bvseo-reviews--> <ul id="BVSEOSDK_meta" style="display: none !important;"> <li data-bvseo="sdk">bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0</li> <li data-bvseo="sp_mt">CLOUD, getReviews, 8ms</li> <li data-bvseo="ct_st">reviews, product</li> </ul>
Contours Britax Infant Car Seat Adapter is rated 4.6 out of 5 by 16.
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  • bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0
  • CLOUD, getAggregateRating, 37ms
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<!--begin-bvseo-questions--> <!--begin-questions--> <div id="bvseo-questionsSection"> <div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="5193972"> <h2 class="bvseo-question"> Will this fit the Britax B-Safe Ultra car seat? </h2> <div class="bvseo-question-detail"> </div> <div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: Dianne2</div> </div> <div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="4462428"> <h2 class="bvseo-question"> is this just for britax? Can I use it on a Nuna Stroller for my Britax Car Seat. </h2> <div class="bvseo-question-detail"> </div> <div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: DamienP</div> </div> <div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="3671512"> <h2 class="bvseo-question"> Est-ce que ce type d&amp;rsquo;adapteur utilisable sur une poussette DIONO quantum, car nous avons cette poussette et notre coquille est une britax?&#13;&#10;Ou&#13;&#10;Est-ce possible de trouver des adapteurs qui sont compatible avec cette poussette et coquille?&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;Salutations, </h2> <div class="bvseo-question-detail"> </div> <div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: Math76</div> </div> <div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="4176922"> <h2 class="bvseo-question"> Will this fit the Britax Endeavours car seat? </h2> <div class="bvseo-question-detail"> </div> <div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: Rose29</div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> if (document.getElementById('bvseo-questionsSection')) { document.getElementById('bvseo-questionsSection').style.display = 'none'; } </script> <!--end-questions--> <ul id="BVSEO_meta" style="display:none!important"> <li data-bvseo="bvDateModified">y_2025, m_2, d_28, h_5CST</li> <li data-bvseo="ps">bvseo_bulk, prod_bvqa, vn_bulk_3.0.42</li> <li data-bvseo="cp">cp_1, bvpage1</li> <li data-bvseo="co">co_hasquestions, tq_4</li> <li data-bvseo="cf">loc_en_CA, sid_20B28D6B, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=LAST_APPROVED_ANSWER_SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]</li> <li data-bvseo="diagnostics">clientName_toysrus-ca</li> </ul> <!--end-bvseo-questions--> <ul id="BVSEOSDK_meta" style="display: none !important;"> <li data-bvseo="sdk">bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0</li> <li data-bvseo="sp_mt">CLOUD, getContent, 11ms</li> <li data-bvseo="ct_st">questions, product</li> </ul>

Contours Britax Infant Car Seat Adapter

SKN: 779291

Contours Britax Infant Car Seat Adapter is rated 4.6 out of 5 by 16.
  • y_2025, m_3, d_1, h_9
  • bvseo_bulk, prod_bvrr, vn_bulk_3.0.42
  • cp_1, bvpage1
  • co_hasreviews, tv_5, tr_11
  • loc_en_CA, sid_20B28D6B, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]
  • clientName_toysrus-ca
  • bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0
  • CLOUD, getAggregateRating, 37ms
  • reviews, product
Website Price: $17.48
  • Out of Stock

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